Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Shoes

Yesterday, the kids and I headed out to the marina to greet Josh and his Dad after a long day of deep sea fishing. The oil is being forecasted to hit the beaches in Panama City this weekend, and our beaches won't be far behind. :(  Anyway, I was excited they got to get some fishing in and it was lots of fun to wait for them and wave at the boat coming in.

They had a very profitable day.

On our way out to the marina the kids and I had to swing by Target. In case you're wondering, yes, I do live at the store. Well, I went for shampoo and face wash (Kate enjoys emptying entire bottles of both of these causing me to have to buy them on a weekly basis). So, we ended up looking at shoes, because you know, the shoes are totally next to the face wash. :)  Eli found some he wanted and they were really cute and on clearance so we just had to get them.

On the way home after picking Josh up Eli told him that he had gotten new shoes. Josh wanted to see them, but they were in the very back. Eli started describing them. "They're like Pappy's shoes. You know the shoes Pappy always wore?"  Pappy was my Dad, and I cannot tell you how good it was for my heart to hear Eli say that. My Dad ALWAYS wore deck shoes. I thought it was so neat that Eli liked those shoes because they looked like Pappy's shoes. My heart is full.


Anonymous said...

:) sweetness!!

Rachael. said...

I love that how sweet is that... and my heart is so sad that the beaches are not going to be so nice anymore. PCB is one of my favorites...