Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Rocks!

My Mom just came and picked up my babies for a sleepover and my man is trying to fix our front doorknob (my new favorite thing to tell people is that the Fidler's have an open door policy-if we can get the stinkin' thing open!) This is totally not what I was going to blog about, but after Josh and I saw the price on new doorknob thingies, we started discussing the things it should do for that price. Like be voice activated. My personal favorite would be that upon the arrival of 3 or more neighborhood children at a time it would electronically disarm the doorbell. Or before the ten o'clock hour of the morning it would say, "Step away from this door. I repeat, step away from this door. Mrs. Emily is not nice before 10 am." Wouldn't that just be the coolest??

Okay, back to this blog. Our 4th of July got off to an interesting start. I was in the nursery at church with one of our sweet ladies and 7 kids. I don't want to call them party poopers, but seriously, there was a lot of dirty diaper changing going on. As we walked out the door after church it was POURING. Raining cats and dogs. My hair instantly reached new heights (and widths). I headed home to fix tacos because I was afraid our lettuce and tomatoes were going to go bad if we tarried another meal, and, I figured Josh was not thrilled about the idea of cooking out in a downpour. During lunch we came to the conclusion that I was in the worst mood ever and I should take a nap. Really, it's bad when your husband is just like, please, take a nap. Please don't think too horribly of me. I had been awakened at 3 that morning by the Pokey puppy whining and crying because Daisy was in the kiddie pool feeding the puppies and Pokey had somehow gotten out and couldn't get back in. Really, I thought my days of being awakened for 3am feedings was over, but that's what I get for thinkin', right?

In case you are wondering what the heck I am talking about with puppies and kiddie pools, here is the newest way we are keeping up with the puppies. Bet YOU don't have a pool in your living room!
Before I took my nap I got this shot of the kids. I'm pretty sure this photo session is what pushed my little mood over the edge.
I totally didn't threaten to send Eli to his room for the rest of the day to get him to be in this picture or smile in it. What kind of mother would do such a thing?

I woke up from my nap semi-refreshed and we did our little cookout. I always wish every year that I had planned a big, fancy, beautifully decorated and well catered get together for the 4th. This year I was content with our hamburgers, hot dogs and baked beans. I have officially started the "I will be standing in front of full length mirrors for many hours a day in leggings" diet. That could also explain my mood. It was best for the general public that we hadn't invited anyone over. :)

About 8:00 we rounded everybody up and headed out for the fireworks. I LOVE fireworks. I especially heart watching them at the beach and this was our first time in many years to get to do that. We went down to the sea wall, which was perfect for our little family. Because it's nothing but rocks, and I always like to add a little adventure. I'm like that. Livin' on the edge.

This was our view and I would've sat in an ant bed to look at it.

I had forewarned the kids on the way that I was going to be taking pictures. We got this one right away and I'm sure this is the "Let's just smile and get this over with so we can actually have fun" pose.

This was our attempt at a family portrait....

Thankfully a sweet soul saw our sorry attempt and offered to take one. Which was great. Becasue Josh would NOT let me ask someone. :)

I promised Josh this was the last one...

But there were just so many great photo opportunities...

See?!?!? Besides, we were there way early and what else was I supposed to do? I mean, besides keep my kids from breaking bones on the rocks?

It was an absolutely beautiful night. By the time the fireworks started the kids were 1.thirsty 2.tired 3.hungry 4. Eli's stomach hurt and 5. Ready to go. But we did what any good parents would do and told them to sit on their rock! I couldn't help but think of how thankful I am to live in a country where we enjoy such beauty and freedom. And where I could take my kids home to cold milk, nice beds and sweet dreams!

I hope you all had a fabulous 4th! Thank you to all of those who have served and sacrificed to make this country what it is. We are blessed beyond measure!!!

1 comment:

Lauran said...

I love Love LOVE Kate's expression in the "Let's just smile and get this over with so we can actually have fun" photo. HaHa :) I love her spunk. Glad y'all had a happy 4th!