Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Dazzling Lesson

I would be remiss to let it go unannounced that my child, my only manchild, my very own kindergartener was named a Dazzling Dolphin a few weeks back. This is an award given at the kid's school every week to someone who has exhibited exceptional behavior. As Eli's card pointed out, he works hard and shows kindness and respect. Please just allow this Mama a moment to brag.... :)   (And I won't tell you about what went down that day after he got home and demanded to go right that very second to get his rewards of a free kid's meal from Subway and an ice cream cone from the Pig. Or that I had to give him a talking to about showing kindness and respect at home as well. We won't talk about that....)

My Dazzling Dolphin with his rewards.

I am very proud of him and Sarah was too. I know she was. But she was a little bummed I could tell. She hasn't been named a Dazzling Dolphin yet. Well, today she came to talk to me while I got ready for dance and she announced that today was another Dazzling Dolphin day. And she didn't get it. Bless her heart. She went on to tell me that she had discussed this with Josh.  Let me stop this story right here and tell you a little story about when Sarah was a baby. She had colic. She cried a lot. And fussed a lot. And cried a lot. Did I mention she cried a lot? I still clearly remember a night that Josh tried to have a discussion with our crazy, hyper cocker spaniel, Abby and Sarah. She was 4 months old. Sitting in the baby swing. Josh very reasonably tried to discuss with Abby and Sarah why they should stop doing things like screaming for hours on end and peeing on the carpet everytime somebody walked in the house (screaming=Sarah, peeing=Abby). I shook my head. Was he not aware that babies and cocker spaniels cannot be reasoned with? I let him have his moment then I went and wound up the swing for the 850 thousandth time and turned on the vacuum cleaner. Did you know some babies are comforted by the sound of a vacuum cleaner? Crazy.

Okay, back to today. As Sarah told me about her discussion with her Daddy I was so proud of him and for him. He is finally able to discuss and reason with our sweet firstborn who thankfully no longer needs the comfort of a vacuum cleaner. She told  me that Josh had shared a story about a time when he was playing baseball and he felt like nobody was noticing how hard he was working, but then finally he got his recognition and realized people had noticed all along. Then, she shared something that was a lesson even her Mama needed to be reminded of. She went on to say, "But Daddy said even when other people don't notice us trying hard or being kind, that God always does."  I'm tearing up writing that. It always amazes me when I'm reminded that my babies haven't yet learned all of the lessons I've learned through the years. That while I definitely needed to be reminded of that, this was exciting, breaking news to Sarah that her kind words and deeds were indeed noticed and appreciated by her Heavenly Father.

It is so easy to become discouraged. To think that our efforts are in vain, our kindess wasted. To work and work and not feel like anybody notices or appreciates. How sweet to know that God knows. And not only does He know, but He actually prefers that we be willing to work without the praise and recognition the world seeks. I absolutely believe in the power of encouragement and know better than anybody how refreshing and motivating it is to hear appreciative words or recieve thoughtful, positive recognition. I believe we are called to give that to our brothers and sisters in Christ. But I also know that Matthew 6:3 tells us, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,". This tells us that we are not to do good out of a desire for that praise or recognition, but because it is the right thing to do. I was told once that character is who you are when no one is looking. I am thankful for a school that encourages and recognizes kindness, respect and good behavior. But I am even more thankful to serve a God who longs to make our hearts more like His. I pray that if others see kindness and respect from my children it won't just be in order to win prizes. I pray that not only my children, but myself as well, will keep our eyes on a greater inheritance. Even better than ice cream from the Pig. :)

" Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing."

1 Peter 3:8-9

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks for the reminder Em! We all need to be reminded sometimes that God does indeed see, even if no one else does. Congrats to Eli & Sarah!! Your kids are awesome! :)