It seemed like Sarah came from the womb talking. I am not even kidding. I really cannot remember a time she wasn't talking. Eli went from baby babbling to big kid talking overnight. He really did. He was so quiet and then one day he just started talking like he had been doing it his whole life. I do remember Sarah learning to talk. She was about 7 or 8 months when she learned her first phrase- "Who dat?" You can imagine that my dad, a lifelong Saints fan, was thrilled. :) It was funny because I was trying to teach her who people were by pointing at pictures and instead of learning their names she learned, "Who dat?"
Kate has been a little slower in the talking process, but I have to admit I have enjoyed every baby step of talking progress she makes. There is just nothing like the sweet baby voice that says, "Thank you." Or that grabs your hand, puts it on bare baby feet and says "Piggies". It about sends me over the moon to hear her lovingly call for her brother and sister. "SARSA!!" "EYI!!" And of course, she helps me with "DAZEEE". She points and tells her "Sit! Sit!"
She has also learned a lot from her siblings and her parents. Things such as "I wanna watch dis" or "Wanna do dis." Or to repeat my favorite question when I happen upon a mess created by my children, "What happeen?" She is also able to let me know what she wants. Like "peekles" and cheese. I promise that is all my child eats. She tells me to turn up the TV "Up this" and when she is uncomfortable in her clothes "Off this". And working on her manners she always says "Peez" and "Shoo me" (Excuse me).
She still speaks her Swahili, as my dad calls it. I am often glad I CAN'T understand what she is saying! :) My favorite word is still "Mama"!
Okay Emily some days I swear we are on the same page, I just, I mean just seconds ago post one on Taylor saying daddy! One phrase I love to hear him say is "I don't wont it!" aren't they just the sweetest!
I know Amber! I posted my blog and then I saw you had a new one!! So funny!
I've got a favorite 2 year-old in my church family right now. None of them actually belong to me, so I can admit that she's my favorite. But she loves me. Just tonight, she saw me when she walked in ("Iss Phiwup") & ran for me to hold her. Ahhhh... love that kid.
Anyway, her favorite thing is to wander into a room and say, "Wassup guys?" She says it better than anything else in her vocabulary. It's so funny. Sometimes I'll say it to her the moment I see her, and her face just lights up. She knows that's her phrase. And then she'll say it back to me.
Gotta love kids & their vocab
So sweet! Save this post for her!
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