Friday, August 20, 2010

A Gift

This may be a first in the history of my blogging. Have I ever written a blog at 8:30 in the morning???? I'll have to check my archives, but I'm pretty sure this is a first. There are two reasons for this. 1. I try really hard to avoid being awake at 8:30. Of course, that is not normally possible so the second reason I don't normally blog first thing in the morning is because even if I'm awake, I am not functioning. Does anybody else have that problem? I mean, my body has gotten dressed, fed the kids and puppies, taken the kids to school, fed Kate again, wrapped some presents....but my brain.....well, I guess we'll see how this goes.

So, if you are wondering what special occassion would possess me to blog at this time in the morning I will tell you. Today is August 20th. More importantly, it is the birthday of  the love of my life. Yes, today I am experiencing the happiness of staring blissfully into my soul mate's eyes. Well, I will be when he gets home and hopefully my eyes will be a little more awake and not so squinty. :) Anyway, if you can handle some mushy gushing and bragging first thing this morning, I want to talk about this special person and this special day.

First, I have to tell you that just a few nights ago I remembered something that has made this day even more important to me. You see, 12 years ago (yikes!) I was "friends" with a guy named Josh. His family invited me to join them at a restaurant to celebrate Josh's 17th birthday. We had a wonderful time, but it was what happened that night after dinner that forever changed my life. (You may think that was a dramatic statement, but just wait. It really did change my life.) That very night Josh gave me a gift that was so amazing it is still to this day only rivaled by the 3 babies he gave me. It was a poem. But not like a generic, Hallmark card poem. A real poem he wrote and it told me exactly how he felt about me and why he loved me (GASP! We hadn't said the "L" word yet). My man can write, y'all! I'm so glad because the written word is definitely my favorite form of communication. I was just thinking the other day that I am so glad I dated in the days before texting. I might not have ever gotten that poem. I may have just gotten a text that said, "I luv u". And that would have been fine, too, but just not the same. :)

Okay enough rambling. What I'm trying to say is that my life was never the same after that night. As I sat on my bed and read the words a boy had written about me I knew he was the one. I was a month shy of my 18th birthday and I was already planning to join a convent upon graduation because my love life had been such a lost cause up to that point, and then, in one single night it all changed. There was no doubt that his feelings for me were much more than "friends". Even more than that, he had said every.single.thing I had ever wanted a boy to notice in me, to feel about me, to love about me. Of course, until that point I was pretty sure there must not be much about to notice or love. There are no words to describe what a gift those words were to my fragile heart. It was his birthday, but I definitely got the best gift!

That brings me to what I want to tell you about Josh. He is a gift. He really is. You might think that after living together, paying bills together, changing diapers together and chasing dogs together that the hearts have faded from our eyes. And honestly, there are for sure days when the music of our lives is not "I Will Always Love You" or "Unchained Melody". Some days the theme songs of our life are more like the theme from "Jaws" or "Mission Impossible". But that is just because of life. Getting to share it with Josh is the gift that keeps on giving. :)  In the last couple of weeks I have not been feeling well at all and I have gained an even greater appreciation for my hubby than I've ever had. He's juggled the kids, the church, and ME with perfect skill. He even made time to tint the windows at the dance studio. (That was one of his jobs many moons ago. Our resumes are diverse, if nothing else. :) Josh is truly one of the hardest working, most caring, patient, and thoughtful people I have ever met. In the 12 years we've been in each others lives he has remained calm and steady and in the midst of some pretty trying things that would leave most people anything but.

As I've thought about it and planned for Josh's birthday I've realized what a gift Josh is to the world. I know lots of people who think they are a gift to the world, but Josh really is. And one of the reasons he is, is because he is too humble to know it!! He has had such an impact on so many people, and while some of it has been through his preaching, most of it has just been with his presence. He is one of those people who doesn't have to preach a sermon to feel God. God's presence just flows from him. In the way he loves people, the way he is always willing to do anything to make someone else's life easier, the words of encouragement and optimism he speaks. I know how much my own children have personally benefited from having one parent who is mentally and emotionally stable. :) Anytime people ask me for marriage advice I feel bad, because I can honestly say that the secret to our marriage is Josh. His patience, his ability to put up with me, his willingness to make a Twix run at any given moment. :)

The world was blessed on August 20th when Joshua Fidler made his entrance into the world. I can't wait to see all of the ways God is still planning to use him!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amber said...

That is so sweet, Josh is a gift please wish him a Happy Birthday!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Josh!! Sweet post!

And this post has given me the idea for a super, fantastic, and unbelivable gift that Josh can give YOU for your birthday, Christmas, or Mother's Day or whatever - you give him my email address and tell him I will hook him up for some MAJOR points!!! :)

Home: Inside and Out said...

After working closely with Josh for such a short time, I will agree with all of that. It makes me smile to remember the way he was right before he proposed to you. And reflecting on his kindness toward others regardless of the circumstance would make anyone want to get their own attitude adjustment! He is truly a blessing, and so are you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You two have a great marriage not only for Josh, but for your own humility and willingness to appreciate each other! Love you guys! Enjoy the celebrating!