Well, we expected maybe he was painting the outside of his house or one of the Sunday School rooms. After a week or so I totally forgot about it to be honest with you. We painted our living room green and we have yet to find our children peacefully reading. :( It does look pretty though. :) Well, one day Josh asked if I had noticed the fire hydrant in our front yard. I didn't even know we had a fire hydrant in our front yard! But I went to check it out and it had been painted a festive red and blue with a smiley face. That was the surprise!
Soon after that Josh came home saying that someone had written into the local paper complaining about the vandals who were messing up the fire hydrants! That was funny to us, but apparently it ticked off some of our church members because they wrote in saying that people needed to lighten up! It got even funnier when we found out Mr. Eddie was the one who had called in the first place and he was just trying to get people worked up. Do y'all believe me now when I tell you there is NOTHING going on in this town?!?! Well, soon Josh was in on the whole thing and truth came out. This was posted in the paper.
Last week, a caller called into Talk Back reporting on “graffiti” on Montrose fire hydrants. It has been reported that Elam and Daniel Davis, aka “the Fire Plug Boys,” were caught in the act of defacing (or is it smiley-facing) the town’s fire hydrants. They were released, however, as Montrose does not have a jail strong enough to hold these two. Local residents have reported that they appreciate the new look of the hydrants.
Isn't that cute? All of the fire hydrants in Montrose (25) look just like this.
Well, I thought that would be all of the breaking news I would have for you, but tonight has turned out to be the most news breaking night of our lives in Montrose! I headed out to the convenience store in Louin for some peanut M&Ms (because with my plan I refuse to buy any chocolate or good snacks to have in the house, so I just drive up to the store to get some instead. At least I walk to the car, right? :) As I was pulling out of the driveway a truck came FLYING by going like a 150 miles per hour and right behind them was a cop car with the lights and sirens!!!!! I couldn't believe I had left the house just in time to catch the excitement. Then, when I got to Louin there was another deputy heading this way. To top it off there was a drunk guy fighting people in the parking lot. It was like an episode of COPS y'all!! There was a barefooted lady, a man with a cane and half the people didn't have shirts on!
I sat in my jeep debating what to do. (After I got my M&Ms. Don't worry, nothing would have deterred me from that mission.) The hostage negotiator, I mean social worker in me started coming out. That is usually the kind of situation I would have gotten called into. Y'know so I could hold people's hands, sing Kum ba Ya and say "Can't we all just get along?" I suppressed the social worker in me and decided that the five or so guys beating him up seemed to have it under control. Whew! What a night! Josh and I were going to watch a movie but instead we're keeping an eye out the window. I just don't know if I feel safe here anymore. I might need to get my family out of this big city!! :)
1 comment:
LOLOLOL!!! This totally deserves a whole chapter in your next book. Life is never dull is it?
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