Crayons On The Wall
July 19, 2006
So, if anybody reads these blogs of mine you know I'm moving soon. 17 days according to my little counter thing on my profile which I am sooo glad I put there to just add a lttle extra stress as I watch it click off numbers faster than I can blink. And I look at it a lot because since we decided to move I'm on the computer more than I've been all other years of my life combined. Why? Because it's all I can do to feel in control. I check the online classifieds for jobs and houses like it's nobody's business. I check the MLS at least 15 times a day waiting for my dream house to arrive or to obsess over the one I have picked out for the week. I'm exhausted. I don't know if I've ever been so tired in all my life.
Since I've been so tired, I wanted to lay down the other day, but of course my bed was covered with boxes and piles of stuff we should've gotten rid of 5 years ago. So, I laid down on Sarah's bed. Of course I do have two kids under the age of 4 so I don't really get to close my eyes and sleep, I just lay there until I hear screaming or something breaking. As I was laying there I found myself staring at the wall which is now competely covered in wall art courtesy of Sarah Beth. She's "a artist like daddy" she tells me proudly. At first I felt totally annoyed that we are going to have to repaint her room before we move. Then I started thinking about how mad I would get everytime she would add a new drawing. (Yes, she's been artsy several times). Lots of spankings, time-outs and talking to's have happened over that artwork. Then, I started crying. My friend A.J. said that his first thought upon meeting was that I was emotional. I told him I'm a lot better now and I had gotten better, but lately I'm very emotional again.
Looking at her artwork I could see where she had gotten better. I could actually tell the difference between the initial scribbles and the later drawings with purpose. It made me realize how much Sarah has grown and changed since we moved into this house 3 years ago. She had just started walking and was still sleeping in her crib. This was the house where we took away her bottle and her pacifier. This is the house where she was potty trained. Lots of changes. Now, she just turned 4 and she gets on to me for talking with my mouth full. She also plans our social calendar and says, "Isn't that a great idea?" When she grows up she wants to be a doctor, a cowboy, and a ballerina. I think she has the energy to do it all.
*Memories* :) "Crayons on the Wall" sounds like another book title to me. Remember it!
Have you seen those Mr. Magic sponge thingies? You wet it a little bit and it just about takes anything off the walls. You might to try store or walmart has them. Two in a may need 10 boxes...ha! Okay, so maybe you should just paint. Sorry, I was trying to help but I see I really wasn't much help afterall. Girl, I'm thinking about you cuz I just walked that moving journey two months ago. You will do well with it all. I'm praying for you!
Wow! I remember reading this years ago when you first posted it. Time flys!!
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