Friday, September 18, 2009

If Mexican Food Doesn't Make You Happy, I Don't Know What Will...

I’ve been in a funk y’all. Do you ever get that way? I decide that I stink at everything in life, life stinks, the garbage stinks, and everything just stinks. I don’t know why I’ve been that way either. This has been a really good week. We got an awesome new fridge, Josh got his job back with hospice, and I even got some serious cleaning done. On top of that I’ve been eating carbs like they’re going out of style. Still, I’ve just been in a funk. They are the worst when you have no idea why you’re in one. Maybe it is Post Reunion Stress Disorder. Perhaps I am just exhausted. Who knows?

I feel that the fog is lifting though and I will tell you why. Because I have friends and people who love me. I’ll tell you, I don’t know how Josh puts up with me for 2 seconds, but he does. And today I had an awesome lunch in the very back booth of La Pinata on a rainy day with a friend who is one of those friends who knows me and likes me anyway. (I know because that is what the card she gave me said. :) I think I have shared that laughter is my coping mechanism. When I feel like I can’t laugh that is when life stinks. Thankfully, I’ve laughed today. A lot.

I have a tendency to take myself too seriously and despite the fact that getting 3 kids dressed and to church on time is my greatest life achievement thus far I stress that I have not brought about world peace. I am thankful for people in my life who laugh with me (okay, and at me).

Nicole Johnson shares in “Fresh Brewed Life”-

“Laughing with friends is just like eating cake at a party. You can have a party without cake, but who would want to? Every friend I have in my life knows how to belly laugh and not take themselves, or me, too seriously. Laughter is like a tall, creamy, four-layered, beautiful cake that leans to one side. A cake that is meant to be cut and shared. Two forks and enjoyment beyond belief… Celebration indeed!”

My prayer for you this weekend and next week is that your days will be filled with more laughter than tears and that God will send you someone to laugh and eat cake with!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I don't even eat cake, but that makes me want to dig into one that's about to fall over with my best friend right now and talk and laugh all night!!

Glad God is putting the people you need right where you need them! Here's to lifting the funk!