Eli, you turned 4 yesterday and we had so much fun I didn't even have time to do this. I can't believe you are already 4, but I have to say that I am equally in love with the 4 year old you as I was smitten with the newborn you! I always knew I would have an Eli. Don't ask me how, I just knew. I found out I was pregnant with you the week after I started my social work program at FSU. Bless your heart, you had to go to college before you even got here! And then...I made you go a few weeks after you got here too because I couldn't stand to leave you!!
I knew I was going to marry your daddy when I saw him playing with one of the little boys at church. It thrilled me beyond words to see him with you and the instant bond that you had. I should have known you would be all boy when I started craving lemon lime gatorade during my pregnancy. I also should have known you would be born on Cinco de Mayo since I craved Taco Bell to the point that Sarah would cry "No Taco Bell" when we drove past one. :)
You are too sweet for words. You love baseball, football, golf, basketball...okay any kind of ball. You also like playing with cars, riding your bike, playing in the dirt, playing video games (that's a new one), and watching movies. You are also working really hard on writing your whole name so you can get a library card like Sarah. You have a cool and awesome smile and while you are sometimes shy and timid it does not take long for you to be up in the middle of the action.
You adore your sisters. You follow Sarah around like the sun rises and sets with her. I pray you will always be so close. And now, Kate follows you like the sun rises and sets with you. I love to watch y'all hug!
You are also famous for saying things that crack us up! You recently told Aunt Leah that sometimes your parents say smart things but not very much! Thanks buddy!
I can't wait to see the man that God turns my little man into. But for the record...you will always be little man to me! I love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI!!

Happy Birthday Eli!!!
I hope you are printing this letter out for him to have forever! So sweet!!
Awww! This was too sweet. I cherish every little thing Matt does and I try to write everything down so I won't foget. I LOVED reading your letter to Eli.
Happy Birthday Little Man!
Happy birthday to the little man! I loved the picture that you had posted up of him as a baby. Too cute!
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