With that said, in all of my frugality and wisdom and stuff, I decided we need another dog. Makes great sense right? We really need something else to feed and care for. Well, I can't explain the desire that began in me the other night. I started looking at dogs for adoption in our area online and that was all she wrote. It was a longing. It was an ache in me that needed to be filled. Yes, we've already established I am crazy. For those who might not know our dog Abby died the same day Kate was born in 2007. It was a traumatic day all around. I got Abby about a month after Josh and I got married and she was just like a child to me. In fact, I know for a fact I spent more time with her than I did with any human being in the six years we had her. It was tough to lose her.
So, where this new longing came from I'm not sure. We had talked a lot about getting another dog, but I kept saying I wanted to wait until Kate was older. For some reason, I changed my mind. I found one I really wanted and in the time I went to do a load of laundry and prayed that God would close the door if it wasn't time for us to have another dog, they took him off of the website. So...since that door was closed I did what you would expect. I started looking for another dog! I found one named Leo and I just became obsessed with him. That was on Sat. night. Monday I went to school with Josh and he had even talked about trying to get him then, but his class went too late. I usually try so hard to not get my hopes up about things, but I have to tell you I REALLY wanted Leo! The next morning I finally got to talk to his foster mom and she told me that he would not be good with kids. I was crushed. Heartbroken. I cried. Like a baby. Like a little kid who can't get the toy they want. It was ugly.
I expected Josh to say, "Get it together woman!" But he didn't. Like a good dad he assured me that after we took the kids to the zoo in Jackson we would go to the animal shelter and see if there was another dog we wanted. That consoled me. Yes, I am ridiculous! :)
I prayed all day that we would find the right dog. I know that probably sounds so crazy to some of you but I believe that we are to pray about all things. Especially matters of the heart and this was definitely a matter of the heart for me. I knew if we took the kids it would involve their hearts too.
We got to the animal shelter that afternoon and there were three dogs. Just three. That didn't leave me feeling very hopeful. We liked one puppy but I could tell he is going to get HUGE and we really wanted a dog we could keep in the house. Then, we saw her. After seeing the other two dogs jumping up and down and barking, she was just sitting there like a little lady. Josh found out that she is a year old so she is full grown and is the perfect size. They let her out and she began begging for our attention. She let the kids love all over her. She tried to follow a man to his office and when he told her to go back she obeyed. She obeyed! I have to tell you, it wouldn't have mattered if she was the worst dog ever, after she came up to me she was going home with us!
We had made it a surprise for the kids, but I had told them we might not be able to get anything that day. They just couldn't believe we actually got to bring a dog home with us. They were ecstatic! On the way we started trying to find a name. If I were a good mom I would have let my kids pick, but Sarah has always picked out the strangest names for her dolls and stuff. I've often worried over my future grandchildren! Anyway, we decided we would choose as a family. We started going down the alphabet. It was fun. It's been a long time since I got to name a dog. Abby was already named when we got her. We finally decided on Daisy.
We stopped at a Wal-Mart on the way home. Josh ran in to get some food, bowls, and a brush. I just couldn't get over how calm Daisy was. I drove around the parking lot while Josh shopped and just happened to be at the front door when he came out. I would have given a million dollars to have had my camera ready. He came out with a pink dog bed! I am not kidding y'all! I wish you could have seen him carrying that pink bed out of Wal-Mart!!

If all of this seems way too perfect and sane for my family never fear. It is an hour and fifteen minute drive from Jackson to our house. Plus, we had the Wal-Mart stop. So, after Josh had bought the collar and leash we were going to stop at a rest stop and let Daisy take a pit stop. Of course, I was so distracted I just drove past the rest area. Sarah was holding Daisy and started saying she thought Daisy needed to go the bathroom b/c she was trying to get down. We had just pulled off of our exit when Sarah said oh so calmly, "Daisy just went to the bathroom". Bless her heart! Daisy did not just tinkle either! Poor Sarah!! She was so great though. She handled it so much better than her mother would have!
We cleaned everybody up and survived that little incident and everything has been awesome since! Sarah took her for 10 walks when we got home. I'm not even exaggerating. She has not had one accident in the house, she is leash trained, she doesn't beg for food, and she does awesome with not only our kids, but all of the kids at church. (Yes, my kids took her to church!) She even lays down in her pink bed when the kids go to bed! We are all officially in love with Daisy!
1 comment:
Adorable. In the picture she looks a little like Abby. BTW - I missed yesterdays blog, but I loved it. Happy Birthday to Eli!
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