* My favorite conversations from Tropical Storm Debby:
ELI: "Remember when that wind almost blew me away?" (referring to when he opened the door for Josh)
KATE: "That would not be awesome."
The kids at the table while Josh napped in the recliner (and snored): "Is that thunder or is that Daddy?"
For the record: It was Daddy.
* So, since we got some major cleaning done the other day, I was feeling all extra inspired to keep on cleaning. I had checked out "Organic Housekeeping" from the library a few weeks ago. I've found lots of natural ways to clean online, but I just thought I would check it out. I never thought I would sit down and read that thing like a novel, but I did y'all! It is such a great reference book with so many easy, cheap cleaning ideas. This is probably not appropriate for a preacher's wife, but I think if there are two adjectives to describe how I like to do things they are cheap and easy. :) Anyway, I'm officially a dork. I asked Josh to get me this book for our anniversary. The funny thing is that Josh told Sarah he had part of my gift (I'll let you know if it's the book) and he asked her what else he should get me. She said, "Well, she likes to make her own cleaning supplies. You could get her that stuff." Ha! Is that romantic or what?
* During the storm the kids had a coloring contest. They wanted me to judge and I just could not pick the best out of all four. So, instead I made up categories for all of their pictures. Sarah got Best Fashion, Eli got Best Cartoon and my child who just lives here during the day got Best Use of Shapes. Shockingly, Kate got "Most Colorful". I just would never see this child getting that award. :)
* Last night at church I was pushing Kate in the swing and she told me to "push me high in the sky, to Jesus!"
* In writing this I realize our week has been kind of boring, but that has been kind of awesome. I am thankful for boring weeks every now and then!!!!