About a month or so ago Kate from Kansas asked me to fill out this survey. I was neck deep in painting desks, hollering at teenagers and baking brownies. I was doing good to remember my middle name. I knew I was not mentally capable of filling this thing out even if I did have more than 3 and a half seconds to sit down. Well, she sent me a gentle reminder about it a few days ago and I've been bumming around not feeling so great so I decided I would give it a shot. I was just going to send it back to her, but as I answered the questions I found myself wondering how some of you might answer them. With it being a new year and all, I thought some of the questions would be good to think about. I would love if you would pick a few and tell me your answers. Like, what are your goals for the next 5 years? Am I the only person who sets their goals 5 minutes at a time? Oh well, here goes!
In one sentence, who are you? I am just Emily (;
Why do you matter? Because God says I do!
What is your life motto? Stay strong, smile long!
What’s something you have that everyone wants? An awesome love story.
What is missing in your
life? Structure and organization. That is all.
What’s been on your mind most lately? Some people I care about.
Happiness is a ______? Choice (I agree Kate!!)
What stands between you and happiness? My diet!! J
Most of the time it’s just my attitude.
What do you need most right
now? Motivation.
What does the child inside you long for? One day to relax and play with no
What is one thing right now that you are totally sure of? That I absolutely
cannot control other people, only myself.
What’s been bothering you lately? Worrying about people I care about.
What are you scared of? That I will waste precious time and not
make the most of the time I’ve been given. (Not that doing something like this
isn’t totally a great use of my time.) J
What has fear of failure stopped you from doing? A lot…but the biggest is sharing my
faith the way I should and the second is following my biggest dream.
What will you never give up on? My relationships with God, Josh and my
What do you want to remember forever? As much as possible! J
What makes you feel secure? Hearing Josh’s voice.
Which activities make you lose track of time? Bejeweled Blitz. See #13. J
What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever made? I’ve had several difficult decisions in
my life, but leaving my Hospice job was definitely up there as one of the
What’s the best decision you’ve ever made? After deciding to follow Jesus, the best
decision I made was to ask Joshua Fidler to escort me to Azalea Trail. J
What are you most grateful for? I am greatful for people who love and
encourage me.
What is worth the pain? Any pain that grows you or gets you
closer to God is worth it.
In order of importance, how would you rank: happiness, money,
love,health, fame? Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Fame
What is something you’ve always wanted, but don’t yet have? J
I’ll spare you what I would really say and say that I really don’t know.
I really can’t think of something I’ve always wanted. I’m pretty fickle. J
What was the most defining moment in your life during this past
year? I think it was probably giving up every
kind of food and drink I enjoyed for health reasons and realizing that I had
more discipline and power over my body than I ever thought I could.
What’s the number one change you need to make in your life in the
next twelve months? I need to find that discipline again!!!!
- What’s the number one thing you want to achieve in the next
five years? I’m not sure…I need to figure this out!
What is the biggest motivator in your life right now? I need to figure this out too!!!
What will you never do? Be a morning person. I’ve come to grips
with this.
What’s something you said you’d never do, but have since done? Live in the parking lot of a church. J
What’s something new you recently learned about yourself? That I am stronger than I think I am!
What do you sometimes pretend to understand that you really do
not? MATH. (Me too, Kate!!)
In one sentence, what do you wish for your future self? I wish that my life would be a light to
my community and that I will figure out the whole Mom thing. J
What worries you most about the future? That my babies will have to make their
own mistakes and learn from them.
When you look into the past, what do you miss most? My Daddy.
What’s something from the past that you don’t miss at all? I’m much more content now. I do not miss
always waiting for the next thing.
What recently reminded you of how fast time flies? Thinking about my baby starting
What is the biggest challenge you face right now? Keeping my house clean. J
Seriously, it’s that realization that I can’t control other people or
how they feel or act.
In one word, how would you describe your personality? Silly
What never fails to frustrate you? Trying to keep my house clean and people
who make a big deal out of stuff that is not a big deal.
What are you known for by your friends and family? Once upon a time I was known for crying
all the time. J
Now, it is probably being crazy……
What’s something most people don’t know about you? I have a HORRIBLE long term memory.
There are sooo many things I can’t remember.
What’s a common misconception people have about you? That I share everything that is going on
in my life.
What’s something a lot of people do that you disagree with? Starting “debates” with people who they
know they cannot persuade. I don’t get that.
What’s a belief you hold with which many people disagree? Probably most of mine. I know there are
many people who think my belief in God is crazy.
What’s something that’s harder for you than it is for most people? Waking up!!
What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend? Share my spiritual beliefs, sense of
humor and loyal.
If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you
sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your
friend? Not long at all! I need to work on that
When you think of ‘home,’ what, specifically, do you think of? My family.
What’s the most valuable thing you own? Hmmm…..I think my wedding and engagement
rings are the most valuable both money wise and sentimentally.
If you had to move 3000 miles away, what would you miss most? A lot! I would miss family and friends
and church and dance and Dockside Grill!!
What would make you smile right now? Usually anything Kate says these days.
What do you do when nothing else seems to make you happy? Go for a drive and listen to music. (I
need to start running like you Kate!!!)
What do you wish did not exist in your life? Health issues
What should you avoid to improve your life? Dairy, sweets and caffeine. :)
What is something you would hate to go without for a day? Diet Coke. And my family. Mostly my
family. J
What’s the biggest lie you once believed was true? Santa.
What’s something bad that happened to you that made you stronger? Lots of things. Losing people I loved,
working several jobs that I had very little experience and had a lot of
learning to do, dealing with difficult people,
struggling financially. It hasn’t killed me so I guess it’s made me
stronger. J
What’s something nobody could ever steal from you? The joy of the Lord!
What’s something you disliked when you were younger that you truly
enjoy today? Broccoli
and sweet potatoes.
What are you glad you quit? I didn’t think of it as “quitting”,
but I guess it was. Changing my major from Communication Disorders to Social
Work was absolutely what I was supposed to do.
What do you need to spend more time doing? Praying. Reading my Bible.
Exercising. Checking on people. Ministering to my community. Reading to my
kids. Wow. I should get busy. J
What are you naturally good at? Being a klutz! lol
What have you been counting or keeping track of recently? I’ve been counting music as I am
choreographing dance recital dances!
What has the little voice inside your head been saying lately? I’m so tired….
What’s something you should always be careful with? Bleach and the Word of God. Not
necessarily together.
What should always be taken seriously? God’s Word!
What should never be taken seriously? Yourself!
What are three things you can’t get enough of? 1. Good conversations. 2. Diet
Coke 3.
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Speak my mind more.
What fascinates you? Personality types.
What’s the difference between being alive and truly living? Truly living is knowing God’s purpose
for you and living it every minute for His glory!
What’s something you would do every day if you could? Go to the movies. I love going to the
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and
alive? Directing the children’s theater and
teaching dance have brought out a lot of passion in me as I’ve realized how
much I enjoy teaching the things I love to kids I love.
Which is worse, failing or never trying? Definitely never trying!
What makes you feel incomplete? Being without the people that care about
When did you experience a major turning point in your life? I think my greatest turning point was
when I had Kate and we both had serious complications. It really woke me up to
how precious life is and how important it is to make the most of each day.
What or who do you wish you lived closer to? I wish I lived closer to my sister’s and
their families and my friends. Pretty much all of my really good friends live
several hours away from me. I also wish I lived closer to Chick-Fil-A. Just
If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large
group of people, what would your message be? Jesus is the Answer!
What’s something you know you can count on? That there will always be another load
of laundry to fold. J
What makes you feel comfortable? Yoga pants and people who get my sense
of humor.
What’s something about you that has never changed? My nose. It’s always been this big.
What will be different about your life in exactly one year? All 3 of my kids will be in school all
What mistakes do you make over and over again? Losing my temper over stupid stuff.
What do you have a hard time saying “no” to? Pretty much anything people ask me to do
and chocolate.
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what
you are doing? I really feel like I am doing what I believe in. It’s not always
easy, but I love it!
What’s something that used to scare you, but no longer does? Not making everybody happy.
What promise to yourself do you still need to fulfill? Another one I’ll have to think about.
What do you appreciate most about your current situation? The special people in my life and the
opportunity to do things I love :)
What’s something simple that makes you smile? When I see an old couple holding hands.
So far, what has been the primary focus of your life? Trying to live by faith and follow God.
Then being a good wife and mother.
How do you know when it’s time to move on? For me, I usually know when I become
discontent and there is no obvious reason for me to be discontent. It’s hard to
explain. It’s just a feeling.
What’s something you wish you could do one more time? Hug my Dad.
When you’re 90-years-old, what will matter to you the most? That I loved people the way Jesus did.
What would you regret not fully doing, being, or having in your
life? I would regret (and already do) not fully
appreciating what I have and allowing myself to be angry, sad or ungrateful
instead of soaking up the time I have with people.