Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's Your Day

I have been a hot mess of sillines here lately, in case you couldn't tell from my last blog. And Josh is keeping the kids Monday so I can have a whole day for myself to listen to what I want on the radio, have uninterrupted thoughts, SHOP, and even probably pick what I want to eat. (Okay, the truth is that I am totally spoiled and Josh usually lets me do most of those things anyway). Still, there is something about planning for a day like that that has me so excited I am still up at 12:30. As I mentally mapped out my shopping plan and thought about the things I would think about (yes, I really did say that :), my thoughts turned to another day. The Lord's Day.

You see, as a Christian I believe that every moment of our lives is one that should be in tune with our Heavenly Father seeking His face and His direction. But lately I have really been convicted about how much I don't prepare for the Lord's Day. I mean besides preparing the massive "get us through service bag" which includes barbie dolls, cars, snacks and other random stuff. I'm talking about how much time I spend getting my heart and mind ready to focus on the Father. I don't know how many of you are like me and feel that Sunday is actually the busiest, craziest day of the week. That probably is a preacher's family thing. But I just wanted to offer up a prayer that this Lord's Day would truly be about Him.

Father, I come to you now, while my house is still and my heart is still. I know that in the chaos of getting my family physically ready for church that I often overlook why we are going, You. Please turn my eyes toward You and focus them there. Please rid me of the selfishness, frustration, and impatience that fill so many of our hectic mornings and fill me with Your Spirit. Fill me to overflowing with Your patience, Your kindness, Your gentleness. As I make my way to Your House please help me to take captive every thought that is not of You. Please replace my critical spirit with Your Spirit of Truth. Please place kindness and encouragement on my lips and make me sensitive to those around me. Open my heart and mind to Your Word and allow it to speak Life to me. Show me where I am needed and make me a willing worker. Please replace the dread and frustration I often feel sharing a church pew with my little ones with joy and wisdom that I would know how to teach them to love You and worship You. I pray that You will show me what You want this day to be. It is, after all, Your day. In Jesus name, Amen.

"God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us"
Psalm 67:1

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sundays are the busiest around here. I needed this to remember that my focus should be on saying "yes" to whatever God is calling me to that day.