Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So Which Came First?

WARNING: After reading this you will know just how dumb I am.

Okay, so tonight at supper Eli started his new favorite game. That would be asking "Where do grapes come from? Where does chicken come from?" So and so forth until I really have no appetite after discussing the poor fate of whatever animal I am eating. Anway, tonight we went from chickens to roosters and Eli wanted to know where they come from. Like a good mom I told him they come from eggs. Josh gave me the look he's always given me when tutoring me in math. The look that says "Are you sure about that answer?" And of course I never am because Josh is way smarter than me in every way. So I asked "Roosters come from eggs don't they?" Thankfully Josh is very sweet and does not gloat over the fact that he is way smarter than me and said no, that roosters did not come from eggs. How did I not know that?????

Well, I had to correct myself and tell Eli that they do not come from eggs. He said "I know!!" I said "You knew that too?" To which he answered, "They come from curtains!!!!!"

So there you go. I leave you with this question? Which came first? The rooster or the curtain????

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'm stupid too, but where do roosters come from? I assumed they came from eggs as well...