Last Friday night was Eli's first T-ball practice. It was an exciting day as Eli has been waiting all 3 (almost 4) years of his life to play ball! Josh is coaching (because he is not busy enough working full-time, pastoring a church, and going to school) :) so Eli got to pick the team name. They are The Little Tigers. Their colors will be orange and blue. Yes, I too am shocked that Josh would CHOOSE orange and blue (Gator colors!!!) but he said that tiger teams are always blue and orange. He really loves Eli, huh? I had just started my anitbiotics and was a little worn out from my day of world travel and waxing (see My Day of Beauty) and I just didn't feel up to chasing Kate around the ballfield. But never fear! I got pics before and after! Here are the pics the grandparents have all been waiting for......

Sarah is such an awesome big sister. She immediately went into cheerleader mode and decided that Eli needed a sign to cheer him on! :)

Eli with his cheerleaders. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who showed up with his own (very cute!) cheering section!!!!!!!

This is what was happening back at the house. Yes, this is my child, buck nekded, (as Eli would say) on a table. I was not quick enough with a new pull-up and there were TWO Sonic cups to get a hold of . Way too much temptation!!

Well, as you can see, it was an exhausting practice. It wore everybody slap out.

Even the cheerleaders!!!!!!
For the record, we had been really excited about Eli making some new friends who are boys because where we live he is SURROUNDED by girls. There just aren't any little boys his age around here. So when he got home I asked if he made any new friends. He shook his head yes (like a boy who won't give details). Then Sarah (being the girl who wants to dish) told me he made friends with a little girl name Elizabeth. Go figure!!!
He's a ladies man in the making. Watch out Mama!! I think I would have done better in that dept. with girls. I just know I'm going to have a hard time when those girls start calling my baby:)
I LOVE the pictures of everyone sleeping!! So cute and totally what I wish I was doing most of the time:)
I don't, however, condone the orange and blue (also Auburn colors). Tell Josh I'm pretty sure God's not in that AT ALL! He would have most definately picked crimson:-)
Hope he has a great year... sounds like fun!!
Adorable! GO ELI!! (Too funny about him making friends with Elizabeth!)
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