Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Resume Writing With Doofus (I Mean Me)

There are times when I wonder if I've completely lost my ability to think, and then there are time I prove it to myself. Today would be one of those days. I found myself needing to work on a resume and for some reason that creates a sense of panic in me that is equaled only by the idea of taking all 3 of my children into an antique store. I am horrible with resumes 1. Because I can never remember important things, like dates or info. about former employers and 2. Despite having numerous jobs I still have no idea what I am qualified to do. At this point in life wipin' hineys and washing clothes are my most used skills.

So, I enlisted Josh's help. He's worked in management and is really good at knowing the fancy things to write that sound good. Here is how our session went:

Me: What about this one? (Pointing to template covered in flowers and several colors)
Josh: No

Josh: You need to change the font your name is in.
Me: How about this one? (Chooses fancy script)
Josh: No
Me: I like this one. (Chooses cartoony block letters)
Josh: No
Me: Should I just get Times New Roman?
Josh: No
Me: Okay, let's move on.

Josh: Use bullets for your qualifications.
Me: I guess you can't use smiley faces on a resume?
Josh: No.

Josh: Don't forget to list your AA degree.
Me: Oh yeah. I always forget I have that. (Seriously. Who forgets stuff like that??)
Josh: Spell it out.
Me: How do you spell out AA? (Yes, I really did ask that.)
Josh: *looks at me bewildered and befuddled*
Before he could say "Here's your sign!" I answered "Oh yeah! Associate of Arts!"
Josh: *Smiles proudly and gives me the look we give Eli when he counts to ten or Kate when she sits on the potty.*

What can I say? This is my brain on kids. In case you are wondering why I'm working on a resume I will let you in on a little secret. When we found out we were moving I started researching and learned that there is no dance studio here in our town. That meant I would have to drive the girls 45 minutes (I know one day I will learn there is a spiritual application for why we have to live 45 minutes from everything) for dance classes. I really started praying that if it was His Will God would open the door for me to teach dance here. So crazy, I know. I've been praying and really trying to figure out how in the world I could open a dance studio here. For a girl like me, not having a dance studio in town is equal to not having a gas station. :) Well, a couple of nights ago I got a text message from my Mom that said there is a brand new dance studio opening here and they are looking for teachers!

I talked with the owner today and I'm supposed to send my resume. (Y'all pray about that, 'k?) :) She is planning to have some judges she knows from competitions her daughters have participated in to come watch the people she chooses to interview dance and teach a class. The thought of that is so nervewracking I could puke right this very minute. (Sorry, that was gross.) I am just excited because even if it doesn't work out for me to teach my girls will have a studio here. And if it does work out, that will just be a cherry on top. :)

So, let's recap:
  • Today I learned how to spell Associate of Arts (Go ahead, ask. I know you are wondering what cracker jack box I got my degree from. :)

  • I haven't danced in over 9 years and I am going to have to choreograph a dance and PERFORM it in front of judges.

  • I am crazy. But that goes without saying, right?
  • Why aren't there smiley face bullets on Blogger?

  • I'm thinking of using this outfit for my tryout. What do you think???

  • Do they make tutus with Spanx???????


Cindi Dailey said...

totally cool! will be praying this will work out for yall!

Melody said...

Haaa!!!! Haaaa!!! I love the bee costume and triple dog dare you to show up in that getup. I hope you get the position but even if you don't at least you will know what the teachers had to go through to get their job! But I'm praying you get it. You would be an awesome dance teacher and what a great outlet for all of you. I'm also looking for a close by dance studio for Sophie to start ballet. Keep us posted!

Lori said...

This sounds so exciting!! I will be praying about this for you!

A lot of people think I got my degree from a cracker jack box a lot of times too so maybe it's the school and not us?? :)

Amber said...

Aww that would be so awesome for you Emily, I will be praying for you!! And I am sooo with you on the resumes, I had to have my Josh help me too, I really did think that I should put professional hiney wiper on mine :)

Karen said...

Bee outfit definately...:)
I wonder about the smiley thing too.
I initially thought you were talking about that other thing...
Excited & hope this works out for you.
I can type in complete sentences, but not after newsletter day!