Saturday, April 13, 2013

Every Mile A Memory: An Ode to the Jeep

Something happened this week that I felt was blog worthy. We purchased a new vehicle. I feel that is blog worthy because those of you who have suffered through followed this blog for awhile  know that a great deal of my life has been spent in my Jeep. And a great many posts on this blog have been dedicated to me being broke down on the side of the road. Or in parking lots. Or drive thru's. Or everywhere. Let's just say, I've needed a new ride for awhile. We have so enjoyed not having car payments for a few years, but when I returned to work we knew it was time.

I have been so excited about a new vehicle, but as the time came near I noticed I became increasingly emotional. One night I asked Josh if he remembered the time I put the Jeep in reverse and then forgot and got out (that's a long story that I wrote about a LONG time ago on MySpace and I don't even remember how to get on there anymore...). Anyway, as I laughed about that experience Josh informed me that he thought I was going through separation anxiety over the Jeep. And, I realized he was right.

I'm not usually a "things" or "stuff" kind of person. There are very few material possessions I feel emotionally attached to. Turns out the Jeep is one of them. :)

Do y'all see that number? That's a lot of miles and memories. I took that pic at the car dealership. The last trip the Jeep took before it was replaced. And I was so proud it was able to make that trip. In the last couple of months we have traveled to Jacksonville, Orlando, and Birmingham for dance competitions and every time I've told Josh, "I'm pretty sure this is the last trip the Jeep is going to make. Like ever. For real." But it always made one more trip.

And that's what I love about that Jeep. It's perseverance. It's been through a lot. We've been through a lot. I've probably spent more time in it than I've spent at any other place or with any other people. It's been my constant companion through good times and bad. I've brought babies home from the hospital in it. I've ridden in funeral processions in it. I've laughed in it. I've cried in it. I'm not proud of it, but I've even had days where I've screamed in it. I've taken trips to visit favorite people and I've taken trips to make hard visits. We've moved in it. Several times.It's been my sanctuary at times when it is has been the only stinkin' place I could get a few minutes by myself. God has spoken to me in it.

It has repeatedly taken abuse as I've run over curbs, slammed on brakes, and pushed it further than I should have with the gas light on. It sports stains so old I couldn't tell you where they came from. I've changed the radio station so much that it is now so sensitive that if I hit a bump the station changes by itself. You always have to crank it 3 times to get it started. Always. If you have to wait in the drive-thru for more than 3.5 minutes you have to turn the heater on as high as it will go to cool off the engine. And when did I learn things like that? Well, let's just say I feel like I could be a mechanic after my years with the Jeep. :)

Dear Jeep, I hope you enjoy your retirement from the Fidler family. You've earned it! You have been so faithful, and even when you broke down you were dependable. I knew exactly what was going on. We're alike in that way. We frequently break down, but it's always the same issues. :) Thanks for hangin' in there. And for 327,904 miles worth of memories!

P.S. I'm going to miss getting love letters like this one. :)

For those of you who might be immobilized in a full body cast and have nothing to do this weekend, I've included some links to some of my favorite Jeep stories. :)

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