Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Whatnot Wednesday: Extreme Couponing Edition

Let's just get started.

*Yesterday was my first day of extreme couponing. I've been watching that show and decided I would give it a try this week. Of course on Sunday every paper in Port St. Joe was sold out. So, I asked my Mom if she would save me any she wasn't using and she was nice enough to not only save them, but to even cut them and put them in an envelope for me. Thanks Mom! I made the mistake of sealing the envelope and when I opened it at the store they started sticking to the seal. So, in patient, Emily form I just pulled the seal part off the envelope. That led to me dumping half the coupons on the floor. I was feeling WAY frustrated and remembered why I don't coupon. Than, I had a magical moment. I had a coupon for $3 off Nivea bodywash, and I realized, it cost $3! I got it for free y'all! I also saved 75 cents on my Febreze. Woo-hoo! $3.75!!! I am so gonna be on that show soon....

* If I don't make it on Extreme Couponing I am pretty sure we will be asked to be the organizational crew on Clean House. Today Josh found the kid's Easter baskets in a storage container marked "DVD's". Which makes perfect sense because there are two boxes full of DVD's on the floor in the laundry room.

* Josh spoke at our community's Passion week services yesterday. Our church secretary was sweet enough to keep Kate with her so I could go. I have to admit, I felt sick the whole time. Does that happen to the other preacher wives out there? I'm fine at church, but when it's somewhere new it totally freaks me out. He did great though and I was real proud. Somebody told him he did real good for a kid. :) 

* I need to be more careful when I grab Josh's t-shirts to wear. I just realized I'm wearing one that says, "DAD King of the Grill".

* I need a haircut.

* My favorite quote of the week is, "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."  Phyllis Diller
That woman speaks the truth. I've never even had to shovel snow, but I know exactly what it must feel like.

Okay, I'm done. That's my rambling for the day. What have you been up to?


Cindi Dailey said...

HAHAHA! Hey...maybe we can swap coupons! I have not seen the show, but man, I'd love to get some stuff for free!

And yea, I do fee nervous when Dave preaches at diffeent locations...don't know why.

Amber said...

I just started getting into the couponing too, there are lot of sites online you may want to try. Places like, and too. =) Please let us try not to get as bad as some of them and have our kids digging in dumpsters =)hehe. I am also glad to see Josh service went well too!!