Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whatnot Wednesday: Back to School

* I have been to the office at school everyday since school started 3 days ago. Somedays twice. I promised the secretary today that I would try to stay away the rest of the week.

* Last night the kids put cups of water in the freezer. I thought they were just letting them cool. Then, they went to bed and forgot about them. This morning Sarah was running around yelling "It froze! It made ice!"  My kids were fascinated. I was pretty sure we had covered the whole water freezing thing, but apparently not. :)

* I just read two books "Same Kind of Different As Me" and "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Wow. They rocked my world.

* A little, first grade girl showed up on my doorstep this afternoon. Turns out, Eli invited her over. According to Sarah she's liked Eli since kindergarten. Lord help us all.

* Today was Kate's first day of Pre-K and she was some kind of excited. She's been waiting for her turn to go to school since the kids first day LAST year!

* Last night we took the kids to have a picnic at the park. We were watching some couples play tennis and Josh said we needed another couple to play with. I thought he meant for social reasons, but then he said, "Then we wouldn't have to run as much."  Isn't that great? The world has never seen athletes like the two of us. :)

* My kids are obsessed with Randy Travis. Seriously, his greatest hits CD plays non-stop. Sarah's favorite is "3Wooden Crosses". Who needs Justin Beiber when you have Randy Travis, right?

* I was at the Pig today and "Hit the Road Jack" started playing. A guy in another aisle started singing along. I love a grown man who will sing Ray Charles in the grocery store. Made me smile. :)

* Just want to say thanks to all of you who have mentioned that you like the new look of the blog! Blog design and layout is definitely not my forte, and this one is just one of the basic ones offered on blogger. But, I feel like it looks the most like me out of all the layouts I've had since I started blogging. So, I'm glad you like it. :)


Melody said...

You are hilarious and I love that Kate got to start school finally. How exciting for her. And for you too? Ha, I'm kidding. Sort of.

Karen said...

Crazy love - you have to tell me about that one - it's been on my shelf about 3 years now and I still haven't read it. Must talk soon! Love ya!