Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Whatnot Wednesday: It's Like 10,000 Spoons When All You Need is a Knife

* WARNING: This will not be encouraging. This will be me venting.

* My favorite shoe broke last weekend. In the grocery store. 

* I almost got hit by a taxi pulling out in the parking lot at Mr. Cheap Butts. Later I was kind of disappointed I didn't. The jeep could use a new paint job.

* We're getting a piano tomorrow. Nobody knows how to play the piano in our house.

* Yesterday I typed out a letter to my theater parents and when I went to print it, it was gone. I learned that I had typed it using a program that we only had a 60 day trial for. Guess when the 60 days was up. Yep.

* My tap girls are doing a dance to the song "Hot Chocolate" from The Polar Express this weekend. I went today to get mugs and saucers to use as their props. After my hour and a half round trip, I got home to realize that even though I asked the cashier if everything was in the one bag she handed me, it was not.

* My eye has been twitching for 3 days.

* Monday Josh went to get all of the wood and sheetrock for our set. He realized after he bought everything that he couldn't fit it to bring it home. He had to wait for his Dad to finish work so he could borrow his bread truck. By the time he got home it was freezing and raining and everything weighed 80 trillion tons. That's an exact weight. I'm waiting for him to get out our wedding video and find the part where he vowed to build sets for plays.

* I started drinking coffee today. I guess I'm becoming a grown-up.

* I'm having the kind of week where if you ask me my opinion, I will give it to you. 

* If my Dad were here he would tell me to take some Midol and go to bed. :)

* On a happier note, we have a whole new collection of Coca-Cola glasses from McDonald's. Put those with the new souvenir cups Josh and Eli got at the FSU game and we are totally ready for a dinner party.

* If I had an elf on the shelf he would be telling Santa bad things about me.

* Thanks for letting me vent. I know I'm ridiculous. Even as I type this I am thankful beyond measure for all of the blessings in my life. Even on my most stressful day God allows me a glimpse into other's lives and reminds me that on my worst day, I've got it good. But if you need to vent too, feel free. :)


Karen said...

#1. I'm sorry you are having one of those weeks.

#2. Your dad's quote is one of my all time favorites. AJ's too. :)

#3. You're getting a piano?? YAY!!! (I don't know why, it's not like I live there or anything, but hey - I'm always for pianos!)

#4. Prop issues aside, I love the Hot Chocolate song and bet the dance will be awesome - get video (please)

#5. Praying for you today - that you will have a relaxing day (or maybe a day with less strss) and a fun one at that. (You should learn to play the piano - it's a great stress reliver. :D)

Lori said...

We totally have a new set of McDonald's glasses too - our fine china:)

Here's hoping for a better week this week. I'm impressed you only vented on the blog. That cashier would have been in TROUBLE if she was still at work when I got home:/

Love you!