Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Whatnot Wednesday

* I am tired of seeing neked people on TV. There. I'm just gonna say it. Seriously, didn't there used to be a certain amount of clothing that you were legally required to wear? I mean, I'm a dance teacher and I'm used to spandex and leotards and all of that but I am just so over all the neked people. I don't care how good you look, I don't wanna see it. Put your britches on. Okay, I'm good now. :)

* It is ridiculously sad how much I am missing my hubby. I remember when we started dating I was on a self-proclaimed "independence kick" and I've always liked to think of myself as an independant woman. But for real I've been checking my phone like every 3 seconds I've only gotten to actually talk to him and hear his voice one time since Monday morning. I actually got the squishy, butterflies in my tummy feeling when he called last night. Is that crazy or what?

* I get so frustrated with my kids at bedtime. I know I've told y'all that. Tonight is the first night this week I've even attempted getting them in bed. Last night Sarah had a sleepover. I finally passed out close to 1. I have the feeling they were still going strong. Now tonight we are back to Kate needing "a piece of water" (that means a sip, btw), a serious fan issue (everybody in my family has to sleep with a fan and we only have 2. We totally hook them in the kids rooms and then move one to our bedroom when they fall asleep) and Eli just came and told me there was a bug on his dresser. He was crying. He would not go in his room. I went to exterminate the bug and it turns out it was one of his shirts sticking out of the drawer! Ugh!

* One of my contacts scratched my eye so now I only have one in. Does this post look crooked to y'all? Just me?

* Sarah fixed a DiGiorno pizza last night and told me she is ready to be a Mom. I am so glad that I've taught her fixing frozen pizza is all there is to being a Mom. :)

* All I want to eat is chicken nuggets. Does that happen to anybody else where nothing sounds good except for one thing? Daisy stole my last chicken nugget while I was dealing with the bug/shirt issue. She better watch herself!

* I don't know how you all feel about the world not coming to an end, but I just wanted to let you know that my 3 year old told me, "Jesus is gonna come back on the clouds and pick us up when we're done."  Very deep words, don't ya think?

Let's just hope He's not waiting for me to be done with laundry, cuz we will all grow weary in that wait. But, while we're waiting, you can head on over to Everyday the Wonderful Happens to link up and share some whatnots that are almost as deep and earth shattering as mine. :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I think it's hilarious that Eli's t-shirt caused so much drama! That sounds exactly like something that would happen at my house. And Daisy stealing the LAST chicken nugget - yes, she had better watch it! That's almost unforgivable:)