Okay, Lori tagged me so here it is in case you were wondering!
1.What is his name? Joshua Stuart Fidler (Josh, Bro.Josh, Scooter)
2. Who eats more? He eats more at one time, but I probably eat more because I eat all the time!
3. Who said, "I love you" first? Josh says that he did b/c he wrote it in a letter one time, but I say that doesn't count. So, I did...He had asked me out several times and I kept saying no b/c I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. Then one night he just totally ignored me after church and even though I was the one just wanting to be "friends" I couldn't handle that. So I told him. It was a beautiful moment complete with me hitting my head trying to get out of the car. :)
4. Who is taller? Josh
1.What is his name? Joshua Stuart Fidler (Josh, Bro.Josh, Scooter)
2. Who eats more? He eats more at one time, but I probably eat more because I eat all the time!
3. Who said, "I love you" first? Josh says that he did b/c he wrote it in a letter one time, but I say that doesn't count. So, I did...He had asked me out several times and I kept saying no b/c I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. Then one night he just totally ignored me after church and even though I was the one just wanting to be "friends" I couldn't handle that. So I told him. It was a beautiful moment complete with me hitting my head trying to get out of the car. :)
4. Who is taller? Josh
5. Who is more sensitive? We are both a little on the sensitive side. He's more caring and sweet, I'm more hormonally challenged!!! :)
6. Who does the laundry? That would be me. He does the ironing though.
7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Josh.
8. Who pays the bills? We're still trying to figure that out! Ha! J/K. Josh works hard for the money. I work hard to not spend it all. :)
9.Who cooks more? I do, but he's got some skills too.
10. Who is more stubborn? Definitely me!
11. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? 99% of the time I am the one who is wrong and Josh is usually still the first to apologize. He's too sweet!
12. Who has more siblings? Me. I have a brother and sister, he has a sister.
13. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I try to let him. I'm a big believer in the whole head of the household thing. Luckily, I have a good head of my household!
14. What do you like to do together? Anything! Watch movies, play tennis(okay, attempt to play tennis), go for walks, EAT!!!, take naps...we're kind of lazy! Ha!
15. Who eats more sweets? We both have a sweet tooth, but I definitely eat way more.
16. Guilty Pleasures? Peanut M&M's, yea we live on the wild side... :)
17. How did you meet? We were actually in 5th grade together, but Josh says he knew he liked me when we talked to each other after a football game at McDonald's. I should've known I would fall in love at McDonald's!
18. Who asked whom out first? Josh asked me out.
19. Who kissed who first? He kissed me.
20. Who proposed? He did -he actually left me in the parking lot at the mall while he went in to get my ring and I had no idea. Then we went to our favorite park across from the beach and he proposed at sunset.
21. His best features and qualities? Beyond his baby blues and awesome good looks, he is the most amazing person I've ever known. I know lots of people say that about the person they're married to, but really he is. You can ask people. :) Josh is completly sweet and sensitive and yet totally manly and strong. He is genuine, sincere, and thoughtful. He is incredibly intelligent in a book smart kind of way and extremely bright in a real life kind of way. He has been the best earthly example of Jesus I've ever known, and I can say that after living with him for 7 years. He is also a loving daddy and my best friend. Did I mention his good looks?? :)
22. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? Kim Thomas, Melanie Grimes Hardage
I loved the pictures! My favorite it where he is picking you up. Absolutely STUNNING!! I so enjoyed finding out about you and your hubby. I would have never known that you guys were friends first and all that and that you've known each other forever!! Great love story!
This blogging thing is great. I'm going to have to come and visit Karen soon so we can all hang out!
This was fun to read. You should get a copy of that car picture in black and white like you mentioned the other day.
I agree with Lori, we should all get together and hang out. Road trip anyone?
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